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Health Council Minutes 01/24/02
                                         MINUTES OF THE
Regular Meeting of January 24, 2002

I certify, that to the best of my ability to record and recall, these are the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Dukes County Health Council held on January 24, 2002.

Meeting began at 8:07 a.m.
Members Present:                                                                                                                                                                  *Ex Officio
Cynthia Mitchell, Chairman              Jane Cleare     
Murray Frank                            Tad Crawford                    
Michele Lazerow                 Kathleen Rose
Arthur Wortzel                          Ned Robinson-Lynch                      
Kathy Logue                             Dennis Hoak             
Else Membreno                   Lorna Andrade           
        Cathy Brennan                   Sarah Isenberg
        Fred Rundlet                            Patty Begley
        Sandra Lothrop*                 Sarah Kuh *     
        Robert Sawyer (8:35 AM)         Charles Silberstein
        Melinda Loberg                  Kathleen Fitzgibbon
        Joyce Steward                   Ilene Klein
        Marni Lipke                             Dan Seklecki
        William Elbow                           Peter Strock
        Chris Knowles
Also Present: Marsha Smolev, Nancy Kasen, Art Bingham, Jo Ann Murphy, and Joseph Sollitto, Clerk of the Courts (8:35 AM).

         Kevin Burchill                 Marguerite Bergstrom*                           Jacque Cage                             Tim Walsh               
        Carol Borer*                           Michelliny Faust                
Chairman Mitchell announced that the next meeting would be on February 21, 2002. She continued the meeting by reporting that the County Commissioners would like to increase the membership of the Health Council from 32 to 35.  Marsha Smolev explained that the Commissioners voiced their belief (at their meeting of January 9, 2002) that the constituencies represented by the Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning Handicapped Persons and the Associate Commissioner for Affairs Concerning the Elderly, and the Veterans’ Agent, should be included, with votes, on the Health Council.  Discussion followed.  Tad Crawford reviewed the meeting of the Commissioners and expressed his strong belief that it would be wise to agree with and endorse the wish of the Commissioners, especially since the Health Council would be approaching the Commissioners for funds amounting to $55,000.

Marni Lipke asked if the Commissioners gave the Associate Commissioners votes at their meetings.  Tad Crawford replied, no, and noted that the County Manager was an ex-officio member of all committees.  Patty Begley asked if this would change the Council's quorum and Tad Crawford replied yes.

Murray Frank Moved that the Health Council accept Tad’s suggestion to increase membership to 35 to include the three constituencies, and also look into other constituencies that may not be represented.  Charles Silberstein Seconded the Motion.

Peter Strock asked that the Motion be amended to subject the action to review in 12 months, of the new representatives’ attendance.  Marsha Smolev reminded the Council that according to the County’s Administrative Codes, all members’ attendance was subject to review, and membership was forfeited after 3 consecutive unexcused absences.  Peter Strock withdrew his amendment.  Cynthia Mitchell called for the Vote.  The Motion passed, with Kathy Logue abstaining.

Chairman Mitchell introduced the present issues with the Hospital, noting that Kevin Burchill, though absent, was aware that the Council would be discussing this.  Cynthia Mitchell asked if the Council wanted to make a public statement about the controversies being discussed by the public.  She asked that comments be confined to the role of the Health Council in dealing with this controversy.  Several members spoke to the need for a public forum in which issues could be discussed and correct information aired.  Charles Silberstein noted a forum was scheduled for February 5.
A meeting the night of 1/24 in West Tisbury was mentioned.  Dennis Hoak suggested that the Health Council look to strategic planning for the Hospital and not get involved with singular issues in the community.  It was decided that Kathy Logue and Peter Strock would attempt to attend the meeting as individuals, not as official designates of the Health Council.  

At 8:43 AM Chairman Mitchell read the letter of appointment and names of members to be appointed to the Health Council.  Attending members were then sworn in by Joseph Sollitto, Clerk of the Courts.  Members not present would have to be sworn in at another time.

Tad Crawford presented the Treasurer’s Report, including the request for supplemental funds from the County.  He mentioned that he had met with the County Manager who explained that there were not only many Department requests for capital equipment, but the County had other important expenditures, so funds to cover the Council’s request for $55,000 were not available.  He said the conversation with the County Manager was a good conversation, but $55,000 was “a tough sell.”  Timing of the meeting with the Advisory Board and how to move forward were discussed.

Commissioner Sawyer suggested that the Health Council attend the next meeting of the County Commissioners. Murray Frank reminded the Council that the final decision would be made by the County Advisory Board. Commissioner Sawyer voiced his support for the Council. Cynthia Mitchell asked that everyone attend the next meeting of the County Commissioners.

Committee Reports followed.
Chris Knowles reported that the Geriatric Assessment Committee was trying to determine how people move through the system.  

Jane Cleare reported on an awareness exercise that was done at the Chronic Illness Network meeting that gave people an idea how it felt to be episodically confined and then released.

Murray Frank gave the Funding and Data report. The two main goals now are long range planning, and collecting information from the towns on health contracts.
Murray Frank announced that the Council was granted $10,000 from Mass Medical Society for the rural health program that Ilene Klein was coordinating. This goal of this program is to bring medical students and residents to work on the Vineyard.  Hopefully their experiences will lead them to choose to live here, thus adding to the pool of Island physicians.  Fred Rundlet urged that communication with physicians be stressed.  

Cynthia Mitchell announced that there would be elections of officers and Coordinating Committee members soon.  

Fred Rundlet and Peter Strock reported that funding for the Dental Clinic was threatened by Governor Swift’s proposed budget cuts. Repercussions were discussed, as were examples of pediatric dental cases needing funding. Ned Robinson-Lynch suggested that Cynthia Mitchell write a letter on behalf of the Health Council, to Governor Swift and other officials explaining the repercussions of her plans to cut funding.

Charlie Silberstein reported on the Wellness and Prevention Committee.  Arthur Wortzel added that the Healthwise books were ready for distribution.  Charlie Silbertstein reported that the Committee on Wellness and Prevention would be asking the community for quarterly updates on issues related to wellness.  He also noted that there would be community grand rounds at the Hospital for interested parties.

Sarah Kuh distributed the VHCAP report.  

Robert Sawyer reported that a revised Intermunicipal Agreement was being sent to the Town Boards of Selectmen, asking that the towns’ $500,000 be awarded to be available under the broad umbrella of Health and Human Services.
Nancy Kasin gave an update on continuing work for the Island Health Plan.  Conversations with Blue Cross/Blue Shield and Neighborhood Health Plan are continuing, with NHP looking like the more compatible partner.  Charles Silberstein asked if the mental health community was being included in physicians’ meetings.  Cynthia Mitchell responded that a physicians’ panel was mandatory for any potential partnerships, but communication with mental health practitioners was important and was part of the focus.  Ilene Klein asked that there be a panel to discuss interdisciplinary issues as part of the pilot.  

The meeting adjourned at 10:06 AM.

Respectfully submitted,
Marsha Smolev
Executive Assistant